Tanzania Assemblies of God - TAG

Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG)

Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) is Non-Profit Making religion organization that operates in United Republic of Tanzania; it’s made up of many individual local churches in whole country of Tanzania.

In its operation (around the Year 2014) TAG works through DEPARTMENTS, ZONES, DISTRICTS, and SECTIONS AND INDIVIDUAL CHURCHES

There are about 10 Departments in which TAG operates, Each Department work through Districts, Section and Local church, A part of TAG visions and plans each department plans its own works, projects and means of Increasing more operating fund, but all department visions and goals must be approved by TAG National Executive council. 10 Departments (2014) are 
1.    Education Department
2.  Evangelism Department
3.  Mission Department
4.  Women Department(W.W.K)
5.  Youth Department (CA's)
6.  Children Department
7.   Students And Scholars Department (CASFETA)
8.  Projects And Development Department
9.  Scriptures And Studentship 
10.  Christians Men Fellow Ship (C.M.F)
CLICK HERE to read more about TAG Department

In simplification of its operation also TAG operate in 7 zones. Zones simplify batch districts works. It’s made up of several districts, Several District leaders in a specific zone are appointed to coordinate these zones.

TAG operation is geographically separated in Districts. Districts are distributed according to National geographical regions in which there is at least one TAG District in each National Region. In 2014 there were 32 TAG district all over the country. Read here to know more about TAG Districts  

TAG Districts operate through SECTIONS. The sections also are located according to National geographic districts, in which there is at least one TAG section in each National district

This is the centralized location in which Assemblies of God followers worship God in truth and Spirit. A local church is headed by a Pastor or the senior pastor (this is for some churches with more than one Pastor)
This is the place which supports all TAG vision, by acting on them, by fundraising them. Most of the fund used in sections, districts, zones, department and Head office comes from local churches.

Tanzania Assemblies of God - TAG Tanzania Assemblies of God - TAG Reviewed by Unknown on 2:25 PM Rating: 5

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