Our Mission

Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG)


1.                Fulfilling the Great Commission of the church: that is Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-20; Act.1: 8)

2.              Opening and managing Individual churches: that is how they manage and Spread themselves, the churches which believe, and preach the full gospel with the message of Jesus Christ under the supervision and authority of the National Executive Council of the Tanzania Assemblies of God.

3.              Providing the foundation and cooperation through genuine Christian teaching to all church members as well as supporters of the Tanzania Assemblies of God.

4.              Setting up and running the Department as required which will play a role and accomplish the purposes mentioned above.

5.               To have the right to own, sponsor, use, seal, certifying, leasing and deliver any real Fixed Assets as it is required for the operation of the work.

6.              This is Non-Profit Making Organization but it may have some Projects to support the church and social welfare.

Our Mission Our Mission Reviewed by Unknown on 2:08 PM Rating: 5

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